Miss PNG lagging behind in internet competition

Papua New Guinea’s Kellyanne Limbiye is trailing behind four smaller Pacific Island countries’ contestants in the race to win Miss Internet 2016.

Nauru, with a population of approximately 10, 261, has managed to put Miss Nauru 2016 – Lucina Detsiogo – in the lead of the race with 80,495 votes.

Treading closely behind, from an island population of approximately 106,738 is Miss Tonga 2016, Laura Melaia Renae Lauti, with 78, 622 votes.

Even with only 901, 830 estimated population compared to PNG’s 8 million-plus, Miss Fiji 2016, Anne Christine Dunn, is a spot ahead of PNG with 6,856 votes.
Following behind in the race are:

Miss Cook Islands 2016 - Tepaeru Helen Toka with 2,094 votes, Miss Samoa 2016 - Priscilla Olano with 1,893 votes and Miss Solomon Islands 2016 - Camilla Grossmith with 1, 236 votes.
Proudly flying PNG’s red, black and gold, Limbiye is asking for the support of fellow Papua New Guineans to vote for her with one more day to the crowning on December 03.

How to vote:
1. Go to www.misspacificislands.org 
2. Click on the contestants’ profile
3. On the right hand side of the page you will see the voting poll. 
4. Click on your favourite contestant and submit vote
- Facebook likes on the constants photos does not count as votes
- You can only vote once per IP address which is a unique number to identify each computer. 
- If you have already voted once from your computer or phone, you will not be able to vote again unless from another phone or computer which has not been used to vote from.

Gloria Bauai