Two sets of teeth in a human lifetime

There are two sets of natural teeth in a human lifetime.

This is essential for a mother to remember, says Dr Duncan Dobunaba, Acting Chief Medical Operator – medical standards in Papua New Guinea.

First set is the baby teeth, a total of 20. These start to come into mouth from six months to five years. In rare cases, a child can be born with a tooth in the mouth.

The second set is the permanent/adult teeth, a total of 32 teeth. These come into mouth from six to 18 years of age. The third, Molar teeth, can be missing and erupt after 18 years or may be hidden/impacted in the bone.

There are four different types of teeth based on the structures designed for each specific functions in the mouth.

Incisors are for cutting, Canines are for Tearing, Premolars for breaking up and Molars for Chewing or Massing food.

Oral health begins with a mother. Below are prevention and control measures to save natural teeth for a lifetime as outlined by medical standards.

Start with less refined sugar in the child’s foods and drinks when child is with baby set of teeth. This is because these teeth are not well developed to withstand the forces of Injury and bacterial toxicity attack to teeth surface. And, sugar containing foods and drinks are the sources of energy micro-bacteria living in the mouth needs to produce toxic acids to cause demineralisation and invasion of the tooth surfaces to decay and starts infection.

Teeth cleaning by brushing after meals, before going to school and before bedtime.

  • Brush teeth with correct tooth brushing technique with a fluoridate tooth paste is the way forward.
  • Flouride is present in other sources too like garden foods, water and salt so eating garden food with a bit of salt and drink water.
  • Using fluoridated tooth paste because fluoride inhibits/stops production of Toxic Acid by the Bacteria in the mouth that causes destruction of teeth.
Gloria Bauai