Pacific media

Media under strain in Melanesia during challenging era

With its first special edition focussed on Melanesia, the New Zealand-based research journal warned that laws and cultural restrictions were providing barriers to open information, as well as silencing journalists.

The region's pressing media problems are explored in depth in what the journal's editor, David Robie, describes as the most significant volume of Pacific journalism research ever produced.

He said with the region now in a challenging period, when countries confront the pandemic, it was worrying that the climate change crisis was sidelined.

Pacific group aims to strengthen reporting on corruption

The committee was birthed at last week's inaugural leader's summit of the Pacific Islands News Association.

It follows last year's launch of the Pacific Environment Journalist Network which aims to improve reporting on environmental issues, particularly around climate change.

John Hyde from the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project is assisting the new committee.

Mr Hyde said environmental reporting is important but said corruption can impact all areas.