Students inspire with recycled items

Students attending government primary schools in Tonga wore blue to school on Wednesday in support of Climate Change Awareness Week.

The Environment Department held several programmes including tree planting to encourage the public to plant more trees at the same time raise awareness and urge action to the impacts faced by the devastation of climate change. 

The tree-planting program was made possible by the financial support of the Australian Government through its Direct Aid Program and Nishi and Trading. Recipients of the tree-planting program included Maamaloa Side School, GPS Fasi –moe –Afi, and GPS Houma. Plants will be delivered to selected secondary and primary schools in Tongatapu, women groups, youth groups and Alonga Center. The tree-planting program is a continuation from last year’s tree-planting awareness program.

Sione ‘Otuhua of Popua Government Primary School said, “They want to let the people of Tonga know that the more they grow trees and plant here in our island then it’s the only way to stay in a clean and better environment especially the oxygen that trees give us. We must stop burning the plastic rubbish and reuse and recycle it.”

The Climate Change Department selected four Government Primary Schools to propose how to recycle and reuse items in a costume competition.

Haveluloto and Tofoa primary school students surprised everyone with the items they made from rubbish like clothes, shoes, vases, and hats.

Fanga ‘o Pilolevu Primary School, Haveluloto and Tofoa Primary School, Ngele’ia Primary School and Kolomotu’a Primary School were selected to compete.

Students from Haveluloto won 3 prizes and the winners are 3rd place, Siosaia Filikitonga, second place, Sinai Moata’ane and first place, ‘Asipa Taumoepeau.


Malia Penisini