Nice attack: France not doing enough to stop terrorists

Former president Nicolas Sarkozy has criticised the French Government for failing its people, by not doing more to prevent the attacks in Nice and Paris.

"I know that we shouldn't fight or tear each other up while the victims haven't been buried yet," he told French TV.

"But I want to say that everything that should have been done over the past 18 months was not done."

Mr Sarkozy wants all those who he described as at risk of radicalisation, to be given an electronic bracelet or put under house arrest.

While not everyone agrees with the former president's prescription, many believe more should have been done to prevent further acts of terror in France.

Earlier this month a French parliamentary committee called for a major overhaul of the country's intelligence services following the Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan attacks last year.

The committee uncovered multiple failures by intelligence agencies in relation to monitoring the extremists who were involved in the Paris attacks.

At the time, committee chairman Georges Fenech said "Our country was not ready; now we must get ready".


ABC Australia