Tongan ship that hit Fiji reef monitored for fuel leaks

Villagers from Kadavu Island in Fiji have warned that a Tongan ship that run aground on a reef threatens them with its 20,000 litres of fuel on board.

The MV Sitka was bound for Solomon Islands, after being purchased by the Malaita Outer Islands.

The Fiji Times reported that the six Tongan crew were rescued and had returned to Tonga after it hit the reef last month.

The Managing Director of Solomon Islands Oceanic Marine Albert Wong, who facilitated the purchase, told the Solomon Star last week he would travel to Fiji to salvage the ship.

The ship has been moved off the reef and was anchored near Kadavu between Muaninuku and Tabuya villages, but villagers were monitoring it in case it leaked fuel.

Fiji's Fisheries Officer for Kadavu, Kaminieli Nabalarua, said he was patrolling the waters and observing anything that could harm the marine ecosystem and organisms.