
Banaba Islanders again without clean water

Earlier this year the Banabans sought international help after being left months with a meagre supply of water.

With help from New Zealand and Australia two de-salination units were installed.

But a Banaban living in Fiji, Biara Touakin, said the islanders reported the machines had never worked properly.

He said even after Kiribati government engineers spent several weeks on the island, through to last week, people have continued to complain the water is inadequate.

Kiribati Banaba island struggles with drought

There have been reports that the remote island was facing a water crisis, with empty tanks and two desalination machines out of action.

Pelenise Alofa said Banaba had no natural water source and islanders usually relied on rain water, but there hadn't been any in six months.

She said food crops like pumpkin and tapioca were dying.

"There hasn't been any rain.