Fijian Language

Call for more Fijian engagement with language and culture in NZ

It's Fijian Language Week and nearly 20,000 of the islanders in New Zealand are expected to celebrate Fiji's 50th independence on Saturday.

Auckland-based Fijian Nacanieli Yalimaiwai is also a director of Pacific charity trust The Fono.

Yalimaiwai is calling for more participation of his people to ensure their language and culture is preserved for future generations.

"About seven percent of NZ-born Fijians speak the Fijian language. That's very low and should be worrying for our people," Nacanieli Yalimaiwai said.

Calls to save 'endangered' languages in Fiji

Fijians across New Zealand celebrate their culture and language this week - Macawa Ni Vosa Vakaviti - Fiji's Language Week.

Fiji also marks 49 years of independence on Thursday.

Professor Raman Subramani, of the University of Fiji, warns the indigenous iTaukei and Fiji Hindi languages face extinction.

"Simply because there is no writing in the language. I'm concerned that the indigenous iTaukei language is not being enriched by writing. And when the language is not enriched by writing, it is not recorded in writing. Then there's a gradual demise of the language."