Personal Development

5 Ways to take risks that will pay off

According to a recent study, 34% of millennials describe their risk tolerance as “conservative” or “somewhat conservative.”

Ten ways you're limiting yourself without realizing it

It’s normal to feel that way. We only stop thinking and saying “Life is unfair!” when we realize that we control most of what happens to us in our lives.

The minute we make any person, institution, or circumstance more powerful than we are, we lose. That’s why saying or thinking “Life is unfair!” or “My boss is a jerk!” or any other sentiment that gives away your power is a losing strategy.

5 things to do when an engaged employee disengages

It seemed Clint is always zoned out during meetings, making excuses to leave early, and even staring out into space as his computer falls into sleep mode. What went wrong? And what could Clint’s manager have done to turn the pattern around and re-engage a once creative, enthusiastic employee?

10 strategies for regaining focus after a stressful situation

For professionals, it can be especially challenging to be fully present with what we are doing, especially if the previous task was stressful. How do we fully “show up,” then, when the last task is still fresh in our minds? Below, Forbes Coaches Council members explain:

8 Ways smart people act dumb

After all, intelligent people earn more money, accumulate more wealth, and even live longer. On the surface, being smart looks like easy living. But there’s another side to the story.

Intelligent people have a reputation for making dumb mistakes, especially in situations that require common sense. The simplicity of these situations and the abundant intelligence of those who tend to muck them up can be downright comical.

4 steps to make peace with your inner critic

I’m talking about your inner critic. That voice inside your head that nags at you, tells you you can’t do it, and reminds you of all the times you’ve failed.

Meet Joel Brown, a guy who’s appeared on magazine covers and TV shows, worked with Tony Robbins, and spread the knowledge of self development all over the world. He’s the founder of Addicted2Success, a motivation site with an audience of over 80 million viewers.

7 powerful lessons to ignite your inner career fire

That wasn’t the first time a video about Lizzie went viral. Born with a rare disease that prevents her from gaining weight, Lizzie is now 27 years old and has never weighed more than 64 pounds. When Lizzie was 17, she stumbled upon a YouTube video labeling her “The World’s Ugliest Woman.” It had over four million views and thousands of cruel comments: “Do everyone a favor and just kill yourself” and “Kill it with fire.”