‘Good Samaritan’ rapist awaits sentencing

A bogus ‘Good Samaritan’, who turned a lift home into a violent rape nightmare for a teenager, is awaiting sentence.

Judge Charles Cato convicted Sione ‘Otutoa, 24, also known as Sione ‘Uli, on 26 January 2017 after ‘Otutoa offered to take the 19-year-old girl to her home during a “drink up” with other friends in Kolofo’ou on 27 February, 2013.

‘Otutoa made the offer after the victim asked another person at the party to take her home.

But instead of driving her home ‘Otutoa took the victim to a place which was described in the judicial document as “a dark area” and at one stage he “forced her to the ground.”

He held his hand across her face to stop her screaming out and punched her in the ribs area before having a non-consensual sexual intercourse with her.

He had another non-consensual sexual intercourse with her for a second time before he threatened to beat her to death if she did not comply with his wishes to not tell anyone or Police about the incident.

The accused told Judge Charles Cato that the allegations were untrue but Mr. Cato did not buy it.

The girl told the court ‘Otutoa had raped her twice after she had asked to be taken home.

The judge said: “I am satisfied beyond any reasonable doubt that it was the accused who was involved with her that evening as I have said and not any other person, she knew him as Sione Uli and he admitted to going under this name and also that he knew her, at the time, as I have mentioned. I am satisfied that prior to the incident she knew the accused and that it was no other who was the rapist.”