5 People Fined For Smoking on an Inter-Island Vessel

Police and the Tobacco Officers had charged 5 people with smoking in a public place an inter-island vessel.

The incident occurred during the vessel’s boarding on a trip to the outer islands.

Tobacco officer of the Ministry of Health Le’omolotu Havea said these people were fined because all licensed premises such as shipping vessels, buses and taxis are smoke free areas.

They were fined to pay TOP$100.00 each.

The duo also fined a 26 year old female vendor from Fasi moe Afi with TOP$200.00 due to the retail sale of tobacco sticks at a public area.

Since the operation started last year, close to 200 people have been fined and close to TOP$20, 000 collected from the operation with the youngest fined, a 13 year old.

Le’omolotu said people who are dissatisfied with the Act can prepare a petition regarding the issue and submit to parliament.