Tonga Disaster risk reduction simulation exercise with Australian Defence Force support

Tonga's Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communication (MEIDECC) in partnership with the Australian Defence Force conducted a Longreach exercise 2021 in preparation for the upcoming Tropica

The National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) along with First Responders, Cluster representatives, included non-government and auxiliary organisations participated in a virtual exercise with Brisbane based ADF, counterparts to the His Majesty's Armed Forces (HMAF).

 The activities focused on strengthening the existing disaster risk reduction focused network, particularly during hazards and with the added complexity of the global pandemic, COVID19.  It was an opportunity to further clarify roles and identify gaps to enable an effective and efficient coordinated emergency response to support our Tongan communities, and residents. It was also an opportunity to enhance response capacity to build the affected communities' resilience and ensure that no one gets left behind, in times of a disaster.

 The simulation exercise was delivered from Brisbane virtually with the Australian High Commissioner's Defense Advisor providing support on the day.

 The day was opened by CEO of MEIDECC, Paula Ma'u who encouraged all participants to share their input said "It is a good opportunity to test our preparedness and response plans, using technology that we have become more reliant on due to COVID19 to also remind us of its availability and potential limitations."

 NEMO, the First Responders, Cluster Representatives and MEIDECC continue to prepare for the upcoming Tropical Season and encourage Tongans to start preparing family, community and environment to minimise risks this cyclone season.