Civil Society Forum of Tonga

Worry women's candidates handicapped by early Tonga vote

The Forum's Executive Director, 'Emeline 'Ilolahia, has been part of a group encouraging women to stand in both local and national elections and has lobbied for greater representation in parliament.

However, Ms 'Ilolahia said because elections have to be held by November instead of next year, as originally planned, their scheduled work towards encouraging and educating had not been done yet.

She said it normally took time to get women involved.

Peace Education, Inclusive Dialogue Key to Preventing Conflict

These were the words Anitelu Toe’api, Public Relations and Communications officer for the Civil Society Forum of Tonga.

“If there is no money in the bank account for your family’s needs, there will be a problem,” he continued.

Toe’api was presenting human security analysis of the issues civil society groups are addressing through their work during the opening session of a two-day Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) Tonga national consultation hosted by the Talitha Project.