eye health

Saving our eyes in old age

An experimental stem cell treatment proved effective at halting this disease with no serious side effects up to a year later, a study published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine found. It is the first treatment using personalized, genetically identical cells derived from the patient.

Online vs. in-person vision tests

Or maybe you've run through your last box of contacts. In order to replace them, you need a new prescription, and that means, an appointment with your eye doctor.

But now, companies such as OpternativeGlassesOn, and Essilor are offering to check your vision online -- without having to step into a doctor's office.

Spotting the illness that can cause sudden blindness

The symptoms can appear very suddenly and end in irreversible blindness. Dr Saleyha Ahsan met a group of people who've been affected and explains what to look out for.

"My mother in law lost a lot of weight, she was very low mood, very painful scalp, jaw pain - and when I say painful scalp, brushing her hair became impossible," says Amanda Bartlett.

"Within the four hours that we were in eye casualty, towards the end she reached round her chair and grabbed my hand and said 'Amanda, I can't see anything.' And she lost her sight that afternoon."