Nishi Trading growers welcome independent farm information management platform

A unique structured data system, AgWorld, is advancing the work of Nishi Trading and its growers.

“Everyone is keen and are actively engaging with AgWorld, we’re sharing our experiences and its helping improve production and capacity,” says Minoru Nishi Jnr, the Managing Director of Nishi Trading.

In addition to mentoring and face-to-face meetings, the commercial export business is proposing an enterprise subscription for AgWorld following challenges currently affecting growers.

“We continue to support farmers trialing the software and the main constraint is the cost of subscription for individual farmers.”

“We will be proposing the purchase of an enterprise subscription, where all registered farmers will be able to access one account where they’re able to use the software for production details, mapping out their plots and spray diaries.”

The platform training is funded by the Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (FO4ACP) Programme, a joint partnership between the European Union, Africa Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) and Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON).


Photo source Pacific Farmers