Maori Party

Tongan Consulate denies royal endorsement of Maori Party

Earlier this week the Maori Party confirmed that Maori King Tuheitia approached his Tongan counterpart to ask Tongans to provide a candidate.

It said Mr Lua, who is standing in the Maungakiekie electorate, had been blessed by the Royal Houses.

The statement raised concerns from the Tongan Advisory Council chair Melino Makawho said seeking royal endorsements was dangerous.

However, Tongan Consul Stafford 'Aho says that no such endorsement occurred.

Maori Party president not concerned about Tongan endorsement

This week the chair of the Tongan Advisory Council in New Zealand raised concerns at reports the Tongan king was approached to endorse the Maori Party.

Melino Maka said seeking royal endorsements was dangerous.

Mr Maka also cast doubt over whether the endorsement actually occurred.

But Maori Party President Tukoroirangi Morgan said the approach in March by the Maori King Tuheitia was an attempt to bring Maori and Pasifika together.

Mr Morgan says the two kings spoke at the funeral of the Tongan Queen Mother Halaevalu Mata'aho in March.

NZ Tongan leader concerned about royal backing of Maori Party

In a release the Maori Party confirmed that Maori King Tuheitia approached his Tongan Counterpart King Tupou VI to ask Tongans to provide a candidate for the New Zealand elections.

It said its Maungakiekie candidate Manase Lua had been blessed by the Royal Houses.

But Tongan Advisory Council Chair Melino Maka said involving the royals in such situations was dangerous.

"One of those institutions that we respect and all of a sudden they are involved in trying to choose which political party that the Tongan people should vote for," Mr Melino said.