NY Times

Trump slams NY Times again

On Sunday morning, Trump tweeted: "Wow, the @nytimes is losing thousands of subscribers because of their very poor and highly inaccurate coverage of the 'Trump phenomena.'"

Trump did not cite any evidence to back up his claim. And the Times flatly says it is not true.

The newspaper crunched the numbers on Sunday morning and found that it has gained a lot more subscribers than it has lost since Election Day. Then it responded to Trump, naturally, on Twitter.

Trump blasts NY Times


And Trump is having none of it. The problem, he says, is ... The Times.

"The failing @nytimes has become a newspaper of fiction," he tweeted Saturday afternoon about two hours after the story went online. "Their stories about me always quote non-existent unnamed sources. Very dishonest!"

Trump has repeatedly called The Times a "failing" paper in reference to its financial challenges. He routinely calls the media "dishonest."

At a rally in Fairfield, Connecticut on Saturday night, he said "the newspaper is going to hell."