USP Tonga Campus

USP Tonga Campus successfully holds Open Day

The first part of the celebrations was at the Annual Heilala Festival Fun Fair which included displays and information for members of the public, an event which attracted close to a thousand people.

Ms Betty Manuofetoa, Teaching Assistant at USP Tonga Campus said there was an overwhelming response and generally the most frequently asked question was whether students can complete their studies in-country.

The second part of the Open Day, named ‘Katoa ki Olokava was more student focused where a total of seven (7) schools participated.

Face-to-face science programmes for USP’s Tonga Campus

USP in collaboration with the Government of Tonga and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) are providing funding opportunities and easier accessibility to higher education in science.

The programme selection is made up of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Biology; Bachelor of Science in Marine Science and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (with Biology emphasis). The Science Teachers Accelerated Programme (STAP) with Biology and Chemistry majors also make it into the selection list.