Fiji Cyclone

Sawana families in Tonga raise funds to help families back home in Fiji

Mrs Ana Tupouniua, a member of the Sawana Community residing in Tonga with her Tongan spouse says that this is their call to the Sawana Community in Tonga to help their families back home.

Mrs Tupouniua says they feel for their families back home and what they are going through.

“Especially as we know we are lucky just by a split twist of direction and Winston missing Tonga or we would have been the ones in their shoes now.

Fiji's outer islands bunker down during cyclone

The small islands of the Lau group have been warned to expect destructive storm force winds of up to 155 kilometres an hour over the next few hours.

At its centre the category three system is producing average winds of 150 kilometres an hour and gusts of more than 205 kilometres an hour.

Planner for the Eastern Division, Eliki Masa, says there have been no reports of significant damage although some trees have been damaged.

Mr Masa says the Lau group has been well prepared.