
These salad cakes are made with vegetables

"Salad cakes" -- a new craze in Japan -- offer exactly that experience.

Nagoya native Mitsuki Moriyasu, a cafe owner and food stylist, in 2015 invented what she calls the "Vegedeco Salad" (decorated vegetables) as a guilt-free alternative to traditional baked goods.

These sinless sweets substitute cream "frosting" for that made out of tofu, a "sponge" base for one of soy powder, eggs and vegetable oil, while the rainbow hues that decorate the "icing" come from natural vegetable colorings such as red beetroot juice.

Eat more fruit and veg for a longer life, researchers say

The study, by Imperial College London, says consuming 10 portions per day, or about 800g, could prevent an estimated 7.8 million premature deaths worldwide.

The World Health Organization (WHO) currently recommends eating 5 portions, or 400g, of fruit and vegetables every day.

In recent years, campaigns in countries across the world including the UK, Germany, France, Norway and Japan have been launched in a bid to encourage people to meet this target.

Fruit and veg: For a longer life eat 10-a-day

The study, by Imperial College London, calculated such eating habits could prevent 7.8 million premature deaths each year.

The team also identified specific fruit and veg that reduced the risk of cancer and heart disease.

The analysis showed even small amounts had a health boon, but more is even better.

A portion counts as 80g (3oz) of fruit or veg - the equivalent of a small banana, a pear or three heaped tablespoons of spinach or peas.

The conclusions were made by pooling data on 95 separate studies, involving two million people's eating habits.

Fruit to advance Pacific health

Steven Underhill from the University of the Sunshine Coast had launched a four-year study which will look at strategies, crop selection, market transport and fruit production in Samoa, Fiji and Tonga.

According to RNZI, Dr Underhill said the islands did not have the abundance of locally grown fruit that people might think.

Ban on NZ fruit accompanied by passenger lifted

Quarantine authorities in Tonga received an official letter from MPI (Ministry of Primary Industries) with news of the removal of the ban.

The ban was needed to protect Tonga’s Agriculture and Export industries, due to the discovery of a small population of Queensland fruit fly in February 2015 in Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand. Millions of Dollars was spent by New Zealand for the Queensland fruit fly eradication program, and now has claimed to be a fruit fly free country again