Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT)

Trans man expecting first child

But unlike most first-time parents, Reese is a transgender man who is expecting a baby with his partner of seven years, Biff Chaplow. The Portland, Oregon, couple will welcome a son in July.

"As the pregnancy's progressed, it's like more and more obvious that it's not just a guy with a beer belly," Chaplow told CNN affiliate KATU.


'I'm OK being a man who has a uterus'

Caitlyn Jenner doesn't regret voting for Trump despite his LGBT 'mistakes'

But she does not regret her decision to vote for Donald Trump, she told CNN's Don Lemon on Tuesday.

"As far as LGBT issues, yes, he's made some mistakes," she said. "I don't support him in everything that he does. But we needed to shake the system up."